The Journal of Cassandra Kane: Her Adventures in the Wild Wild West
Dime Novel: The Adventure of the Walking Ghost
Real World Date: September 2007
Game World Date: July 1878
Episode 6
July 16-25, 1878
Back in Freedom – The Lt. goes to Sacramento and comes back a Captain.Mr. Parker shows up with some lady: Catherine Blake. Aieslyn is not happy – neither is Corman.She’s British and says she studied with dot Injuns and can brawl and says she is good with lots of weapons. But she doesn’t know how to use a tomahawk! She also says that Congressman Conkling is her Uncle.Harrison says there are wanted posters of us in Lost Angels. $500 for us, $2000 for Miss Marguerite. Grimme wants us all dead except for Marguerite.Mr. Parker has a mission for us in Gomorra. Northern Operatives have been captured. Gomorra is a Ghost Rock mine town. North & South share this town.Our contact is Cort Williams we’ll meet him at the Red Hill Hotel. He’s a new friend of Reggie’s (I think Reggie’s a Pinkerton)Taking a train from Lincoln to Gomorra. Lincoln is still being built up.Corman gets his new mechanical hand. Miss Aiselynn is not happy.
July 25, 1878
Riding on the train asleep I feel magic try and attack me.We got attacked on the train by Grimme’s men…well woman and some blood zombies. The woman was after Marguerite and she talked to her. Everyone else got bloody zombies and I got magicked. We destroyed the zombies but the lady got away. Magicked away.
July 26, 1878
Get off train at Gomorra and it’s full of giant caters and burnt buildings.One of the buildings that got hit was the Collegiums (Smith & Robards competitor)Hunch: The other crater was the Whatley estate. Family of Magic users – it’s in their blood. 11 people died fighting the demon (black demon with yellow eyes) Old Lady (Matriarch) died. Painful death.Charlie Landers – Bartender in Saloon. He said Nichodemus Whatley attacked Cort Williams.Andrew Lane – Missing person – Head of US Marshals.Hunch: Blank – can’t pierce.Demon attacked town 2 weeks ago. Mr. Lane missing 4 days ago when US Marshals attacked.Marguerite got a vision using Andrew’s blood. Sees him incapacitated but still alive then vision cut off.5 days ago Lane sent a telegram – before he went missing.Shenkar Mohammad in Sacramento & Virgil Constance in Virginia City (US Marshals)Urgent stop transport of grandpa’s gift. Will arrive in Sacramento or Virginia City to reclaim the package.
July 27, 1878
Get on Train to Fort Lincoln then to Sacramento – Embarcadero
July 29, 1878
Rat District – Brimmerton Hotel.Help out in a building that’s collapsed. Help clear rubble to save people.Written in Persian on top of the door or Mohammed’s place:“The Real truth of existence is sealed ????Many twists and turns of the road.”2 cameras facing a mirror – we mess with them and Gremlins show up.Find Shenkar Mohammed eviscerated.
Hunch: Saw blond woman (Nun) – not the same woman as attacked us on train & man in shadows eviscerates Shenkar. Onto Virginia City.
July 30, 1878
Virginia City, Nevada
Get to Virgil Constance’s house. Whatelys are there to set up for an ambush. I magic the two Whatleys & everyone else takes the others across the street.Two dead Pinkertons in the house and man with cross found in kitchen. Virgil Constance – the Nun & Lane attacked him (Lane is possessed)The Capt. & Reggie shoot all the people even after they surrendered. I don’t know what to do about them; I need to make them not be so mean and nasty.Pulls out letter & points to crucifix “Beware of this” he points to the crucifix.
July 31, 1878
Taking a train to Salt Lake.
August 2, 1878
Train stops. There’s a train on the tracks – the engine’s gone. Zombies are attacking the train. A blond lady Nun (Regina) is there and we kill her. She had a dime store novel on her. One of Nevada Smith’s tales. The authors name is circled “I.M Hymm. Looks like she was going to find him.
August 3, 1878
Salt Lake – Meet Mr. IM Hymm and talk to him about Andrew Lane & Grimme & Nun. He said he will set up meeting with us to meet Mr. Smith.Lane was sent to meet with Nevada (who he employs occasionally). Set up a meeting with the Union Army and the leaders of Salt Lake. Probably to kill them now.Make a plan with Mr. Smith to get Lane (captured) while Nevada leads off people he is going to meet.Fought Lane on steel tree next to Rat Hole. We shot him down and he got back up ghosted up and we shot him down again. The Marguerite ripped the crucifix that was burned into his flesh off of him.He didn’t get up but he’s not “alive” though Aieslyn could heal his body.Corman crushed the crucifix with his new hand and inside there was a splinter of wood which radiated evil. He was able to crush that too. The Nun lady Regina had the same crucifix which we destroyed too.