Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Journal of Cassandra Kane: Her Adventures in the Wild Wild West

Dime Novel: World Tour:England

Real World Date: March 2009

Game World Date: May- June 1879

Season Three, Episode One

June 24, 1879 

We are in London!!! Ew, stinky. Oh…well at least the sewers part of it. Full of rats and people and some lady that doesn’t seem very nice. We get attack by giant rats and men. Reggie shoots a couple of rats and they turn into demons. The lady flirts with Murphy, and Corman, and Mr. Parker – which made Aieslyn mad. 

Reggie shoots her and she says she’s leaving but she’ll return. She kinda acts like we should know her.. and she thanks us for freeing her. I’m guessing she’s one of the demons from the box. 

We finally make it out of the tunnel and onto the streets. We meet a lawman, Murphy says they are called ‘bobbys’, he seems very concerned about us wandering about the streets of London. But Mr. Parker shows him some papers and he suddenly gets impressed and shows us the way to our hotel. 

Murphy suddenly says he needs to take off. Something about…uh…exploring the city. The rest of us get shown our rooms – we each have our own – and I take a bath and get ready for bed. Fairfax and his men take off. 

June 25, 1879 

Next morning Mr. Parker introduces us to a Mr. Angus O’Keefe. Then two more people show up. A nice well dressed man and lady. The man introduces himself as Sir William Hill. I shake his hand and he says it’s nice to meet you again and then I realize that it’s MURPHY!! He’s all cleaned up. He apologized for anything he ever said when he was in his disguise. We are all in shock. Finally we are able to meet the Lady Julia Wescott. 

Aieslyn fills in our 3 well 2 companions on what’s been going on as far as why we were here. 

We meet Mr. Fairfax on the way to our luncheon. We are all eating lunch at Scotland Yard which is surprisingly NOT in Scotland. Mr. Henderson is the commissioner of Scotland Yard. 

Tomorrow at the World History Museum is a Gala for Egyptian artifacts. One of the pieces of the parchments may be there. We’ll need to talk to the curator, Mr. Mark Wholers, and that he should be willing to help us – according to Mr. Henderson. 


So if Stone is “Death” and Grimme is “Famine” we still need to figure out “War” and “Pestilence”. 

Mr. Fairfax tells me that tonight I should go with him to a meeting. Old world connections. 

I go with the Aieslyn, Marguerite, and Lady Julia to go dress shopping for the gala tonight. 

Aieslyn notices we are being followed at one point. When we meet back up with the group later Murphy…Sir Hill says that Corman noticed someone following the two of them as well. 

Later Fairfax shows up to invite everyone else to the meeting. Sir Hill says he’ll meet us there. 

9pm we get ready to leave for our meeting. Fairfax explains that the here in Europe the group, called The Rippers, are broken up into factions. Fairfax’s group is the Wanderers. We’ll all be part of the Wanderers. 

We got to an older section of the city. We head into a church. A priest takes us to a side door down some spiral staircase down to a huge amphitheater underground. 

I see Lady Julia sitting with a group of people called the Old Worlders – back row is Eastern Europe (not a lot of money) up front is from Western Europe (more money). Another group is a Masked Crusaders, which has Sir Hill in it – a younger group run by a hero named the Yankee they tend to work in America. Another group in robes with religious insignias and symbols called the Rosicrucians – they helped invent the type of technology that Aegis group used. Fairfax says that they didn’t want that getting out and that technology gets sent back. Another group called the Slayers is lead by Johan Van Helsing – fight monsters, like vampires. A group called the Order of the St. George – dressed like Nuns & priests are very much against the Ripper Tech(nology) that the Rosicrucian’s invented. They tend to have more artifacts. And one of the last group he mentions in the Witch Hunters, Fairfax cautions against talking to them since they tend to think a lot of the magics we use are bad. Fairfax doesn’t really let that group know some stuff his men can do. 

We all sit down and soon a man stands up from the Slayers group he, like everyone else here is armed to the teeth, and starts talking. He introduces himself as Johan Van Helsing, leader of the Slayers, and says that the meeting was called to talk about the force of evil that has been rising in America. That they’ve spend the last 10 years investigating. He says he’ll have someone called the “Artful Dodger” who has been investigating in America, as have the Wanderers, and wants to talk about some stolen artifacts. 

The Artful Dodger stands up (it’s Sir Hill!!!) and he talks about the parchments to stop Grimme and the demon in the sewer of London. He then says that there are other that might have more to say on the subject and if they would come up. Fairfax asks me if I want to talk for the Wanderers, not being sure what I should or should not say I ask Aieslyn to come with me. But then Corman stands up runs into the center and attacks Van Helsing. He then moves onto another guy in the Rosicrucians’ and slices his head off! Reggie shoots at Corman. He stays up, Sir Hill runs down there and punches him but can’t knock him down and then he gets shot by someone in the Rosicrucians and finally falls down. 

The room erupts into noise. Some looking at the “miracle” because Aieslyn resurrected the Rosicrucian. Some want to talk to her other experiment on her. Some are praying. The Witch Hunters are looking at her like they are going to kill her. 

Angus heals Van Helsing. 

The Slayers are surrounding Corman’s body. Sir Hill is trying to calm everyone down and collect Corman. The Slayers want him. The Rosicrucians are able to be talked down. Then Reggie flashy thingies some of the Slayers. 

A lady from the Slayer, Tara, group walks up to Fairfax and with an American accent asks him what he brought in here, that he killed Johan. 

People start heading out in groups. The Witch Hunter group is attacked by Werewolves which helps Aieslyn get away with the Wanderers. 

Back at the hotel Angus wants to know what that was all about and Marguerite explains some about what happened to him. Angus wants to know why we haven’t put him down. He agrees that he is a nice enough of most of the times but he’s a liability. Which Sir Hill agrees with. 

Reggie says anyone who tries to kills Corman has to go through him. Aieslyn is neutral in the argument stating that the Captain liked Corman. Sir Hill & Marguerite want him put down and I just stay out of it. I’ve argued with Corman about this enough before and it doesn’t change anything. 

Fairfax says they probably won’t have another meeting for months because of what happened. I’m sad that my first time at this meeting led to nothing really getting done. I told Fairfax I’d give him my notes and reports and he can talk to them without our group there next time. 

June 26, 1879 

Breakfast. Everyone else talked about Corman. He sulked in his room. Aieslyn went to talk to him and she now has her new man to try and save. 

I went to see some sites in London before we had to get ready for the Gala that night. 

A Lord Windham introduces himself and asks if I’d like to see his family’s estates. He gets me a drink. 

I see what looks like a few people acting suspiciously. As if they are gathering information in order to rob the place. I tell it to Sir Hill and he says he noticed it too, everyone of us notice it. 

There’s a man walking around called Sir Edward Gray. He’s the hero that saved the Queen from an assassin. Sir Hill doesn’t like him. 

As the evening comes near to ending Mr. Edmund Henderson asks if we’d like to talk to the curator Mr. Wholers now. I ask about Lord Windham and Sir Hill says that he’s not that nice of a person. Aieslyn agrees. 

Mr. Wholers’ office overlooks the museum floor. We talk to him and agree to pat $10,000 for the parchment. We make the deal and we hear a noise from down stairs. 

We see thieves and werewolves downstairs. Possible some worshipers of Anubis. But the wolves are men are not working together as we see them attacking each other. 

I blast one with my magic but it doesn’t really much to the werewolf. Corman attacks the wolf and ends up hurting it. I end up teleporting Sir. Hill down stairs so he can shoot some people. Aieslyn teleports Mr. Parker downstairs and he starts shooting. At one point Corman falls/jumps from upstairs and falls on the floor. Angus who got a silver axe from Sir Hill ends up taking down a werewolf in one impressive shot! 

The werewolves turn on me and one attacks me without me even provoking it. I hope I don’t turn into a wolf. Corman seems to be the only one that can hurt them with anything. As he rips the one off me that had me pinned down. Finally between Corman and Angus they kill the last of the wolves keeping the museum from getting robbed. 

I hunch one of the wolves. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Journal of Eric Parker: 

Dime Novel: Interludes

Real World Date: March 2009

Game World Date: May - June 1879

Season Three, Christmas Special

Time has passed since you all came back to Freedom. The first 24 hours were very emotional as your comrade in arms left this world for another plane. But time continues to march forward. In the next 4 weeks the town of Freedom has become a busy haven of work as it begins rebuilding. Along with your house, General Sheridan is planning to construct a small Fort in Freedom to protect the railroad that the Union has started building. They hope it will be able to run from Virginia City to Sacramento to Freedom and to Fort Lincoln. After the inability to move troops and resources quick enough, the General has decided to make this one of his priorities. 

During this time Mr. Conkling has made sure your pay has been brought up to date so each of you receive a sum of money in the currency of your choice in the amount of $5,000.00. As Mr. Parker has mentioned before other monies for your retirement are still in a bank in Virginia City. Captain Harrison’s money has been divided up among his men and their families. Some of his money has been put into a fund to help children who have lost their families during this war. 

Mr. Conkling has also asked that everyone prepare to take a trip around the world as you will need to hunt down pieces of a journal that Reverend Grimme wrote after he was taken over by a spirit sent by the Reckoners. The belief is that these items will help in being able to finally defeat Grimme and his army of followers. Mr. Conkling will be sending Mr. Parker with you to help in matters of finance and gathering information with people he knows in the world. Also Mr. Conkling mentions he has several guides in England that he has prepared to help show you around Europe and he feels that they will be a welcome addition to your group. 

During this time, Fairfax and his men have stayed in Freedom and they are usually seen talking with Cassandra. After Fort Lincoln has been relieved of the siege upon it by Grimme’s forces, Colonel Wembley comes out to talk with General Sheridan at Freedom. Mr. Conkling meets with them and discusses the future of the war with Grimme. It is during this time that Mr. Conkling asks James Thomas for help in arranging travel for all of you. At some point Horatio, Mr. Thomas’s friend, makes it back to Freedom and they are reunited. A week before everyone is set to leave you'll see James Thomas setting up a ritual circle under a tent in Freedom. He spends most of the week working on a very intricately designed circle that uses runes and Latin. During the week Mr. Parker lets you all know that instead of traveling overland and then by sea to England, that Mr. Thomas has offered to expend some of his resources to create a gateway to London. This way the group can save over 2 months of travel time. James Thomas explains that when he opens up the gate you will need to enter and walk on the golden path and to not stray from it. If you leave the path you will most likely be lost forever in another metaphysical plane. He says that you will need to walk for a few hours on the path before it will end with another gate, which after walking through you should find yourselves in London. 

The day for leaving arrives and everyone says their goodbyes to their friends. Mr. Conkling, General Sheridan, and Colonel Wembley give their blessings and wish you all good luck. Fairfax, Jebidah, and Gabriel ask to come along as they need to get to England and this would help them immensely. Then James Thomas starts his incant in Latin at first and then switches off to an older tongue and within a few minutes the ritual circle glows with a golden and blue light and then the gate way itself opens up and you see the path you'll need to follow. The path is gold with blue lightening on the sides. Nothing holds up the path way and everything else around it is dark. The only other light you see is a blue glow very far off in the distance. After following the path for a few hours you come to the other gateway leading out. As you walk through the gate, your feet splash into a brownish green liquid and a foul smelling air assaults your nose. You look around to find gaslight lanterns along the walls. It looks like the gate sent you into the sewers. As the last of you walk through the Gate, you hear a scurrying noise down one of the other tunnels and you see rapid movements of shadows. Suddenly you see some men in slovenly clothes and robes jump out from many tunnel entrances. At the same time giant rats start squealing and running out of the pipes and tunnels towards you. You hear a lady's voice; “Welcome to London, Ladies and Gentlemen, now let us have some fun!!”