Monday, January 5, 2009

The Journal of Cassandra Kane: Her Adventures in the Wild Wild West

Dime Novel: The Major Strikes Back

Real World Date: January 2009

Game World Date: February-March 1879

Season Two, Episode Eight

February 4, 1879

Aieslynn is researching the chains and the demon stuff.

Marguerite seems to feeling better since the mind attack. I think Reggie might have flashy thing’d her.

The Captain heads out to do his training with the soldiers. 

Aieslynn tells Corman that she thinks she can heal his missing hand and eye.

Corman returns from Montana – he’s been gone awhile. He seemed calm. He said he returned the 2 Tomahawks that Blackstone had. That they had belonged to the Injuns and that Blackstone got them dishonorably. I tried to talk to him but he’s still mean and cranky and I don’t like him anymore!!!!!

February 11, 1879

Vision: Seeing through the Major’s eyes. I see the Monastery and the hole we dug out. I hear him curse and get angry. Then I see his gun and he starts killing the rest of Gabriel’s men he still had and he’s so angry he shoots all of his men that are in the room with them too. I can sense that he is so very angry, I’ve never felt that kind of rage out of him. Then he walks out the door and vision fades…..

As far as I know the only people he has left, that he hasn’t killed, are Father O’Hare and Mr. James Thomas.

February 12, 1879

Mr. Conkling returns with his retinue. Captain Elijah Miller and lots of other men. Meet Jeffery Peters – Reggie’s brother. He seems nice. I think he’s some sort of gunslinger like Reggie – he’s got a bulletproof vest and 2 gatlin pistols! He’s been traveling with Mr. Conkling. Mr. Parker tells us to pack up cuz tomorrow we are all heading out for Fort Lincoln.

February 13, 1879

Aiesylnn suggests we take the faire circle with all the men and horses. There’s one 1 mile east of Freedom to one 1 mile north of Fort Lincoln. Upon entering the faire circle Jonathan shows up and starts a squawk argument with Aieslynn. She asks him about books and he says he doesn’t have books and that she shouldn’t be using any demon’s names, and that “he” spends time him. He says we should get moving. Suddenly there is thunder and lightning in the distance. Marguerite freaks out and starts riding quickly away from the noise, but uncontrollably. Aieslynn ends up riding after her to help her.

When we leave the circle near Fort Lincoln there are all sorts of soldiers and weapons surrounding it. Guess the Colonel’s been keeping an eye on this one.

Colonel Wembly brings us into a large war room and debriefs us on the Major and Grimme’s movements.

Grimme & the Major supposedly are in Mexico right now gathering forces.

We have 3 critical points that need to hit now. They are all supply depots. One in Lion’s Roar (that the Colonel wants us to hit), on in Death Valley, and a third that the Captain will be hitting with his men.

I send a telegram to Mr. Fairfax to see if he’s available for the Death Valley mission. We are shown to new quarters where we can stay until we take off for our mission.

Aieslynn tries again to talk to Corman about fixing his hand or eye. Corman is very cranky about it.

An alarm goes off and guards start running about. Something about Marguerite doing magic where she’s not supposed to? She says that the walls of the house are inscribed with runes. And that we aren’t allowed on the second floor.

I ask to talk to Mr. Conkling and he invites me up for dinner. We talk about what’s been going on. And he says the wards on the building are because Captain Miller finally (after the assassination) that he should have more protections from magic (and would Marguerite not try to do that anymore). I tell him about the last vision about the Major and we talk about some of what’s been going on. He offers to send word to Gabriel about his men that have been killed. He also suggests I write a letter to my parents. It’s been a while since I’ve left and they have no idea where I am. I promised to write something before I leave for Lion’s Roar and he said would make sure it got to them

February 14, 1879

I get a telegram from Mr. Fairfax. He asks if he should bring him men.

I send him another telegram and tell him yes and ask him how far out he is.

We have lunch with Mr. Conkling to talk about the Major and the demons.

Aieslynn’s theory: When the Captain cheated fate it upset the balance and the Major (demon) was freed. Fate being cheated cause the demon to be freed, and as a demon of Vengeance & Lust (Asmodeous aka Hunter in the Shadows) he took on the personification of what caused his freedom – Captain Gabriel.

The Ark angels and demons of hells both decided that the demon Asmodeous was too bad to exist. The both agreed to banish him. Asmodeous is the child of Adam and Naamah (the Angel of prostitution) while he was married to Lilith (he’s first wife who wasn’t Eve!?)

The Four Horseman of the apocalypse are around. Stone is Death.

Later on Aieslynn & Marguerite go off to do something and come back kinda mopey.

February 15, 1879

Another telegram from Fairfax that says they’ll arrive around the 24th.

Aieslynn tells us what she & Marguerite had been doing. They were on the spirit plane to see what they could find out about the demon.

Any of the black cords that we/Aieslynn saw there were attached to people means that they had some how cheated fate. And that something else had picked up their cord. Which makes sense when you think of the people that she has said has black cords – Gabriel, Corman, and Grimme. She says it’s a good chance that Gabriel might die. She doesn’t know if she should tell him. But I think he’d be mad if we didn’t tell him and that he probably already suspects something like this. The others agree.

Aieslynn attempts once again to try and fix Corman’s arm. Theoretically it should work on Corman because she can heal him, but is his flesh considered living. Corman doesn’t want it tested on his eye though.

He finally agrees. We bring him to the doctor’s office to amputate his arm that way we don’t risk blowing up the hand Part way through the surgery we hear the doctor scream and Aieslynn and I run in to see Corman missing an arm slitting the doctor’s throat.

He then runs out of the building. I teleport Reggie in front of Corman so he can take him down while Aieslynn heals the surgeon. Corman is put down and we bring him back into the hospital. Capt. Miller shows up and we explain that everything is all right. Aieslynn saves the doctor and after we calm him down and get him out of the room she starts her ritual on Corman. It takes hours but we finally see the arm start to grow. It’s gonna take a few days before it gets fully grows back! It’s amazing!!!

February 24, 1879

Fairfax arrives with 15 of his men. I introduce them to Mr. Conkling, Captain Miller, and Colonel Wembly. We all go back into the war room and discuss our missions.

Fairfax says when we all get back from our missions we need to sit down and talk.

February 25, 1879

We take off for our missions. Reggie’s brother Jeffery is coming with us.

Marguerite is sent to the Captain to go with him.

And Mr. Fairfax heads to Death Valley.

March 1, 1878

We spot dust in the distance. We come across a patrol telling us the new laws of California. Reggie starts shooting. Kills four of the men, the rest we capture and let go. I try to tell them that Grimme isn’t a good man. But at this point we are the ones with the guns so it’s not like they’ll believe anything I say. Aieslynn tells him the Grimme’s a demon, but I try to explain that regular folk aren’t going to understand that. We ride off.

March 10. 1879

We avoid patrols the best we can for days and then we finally get to Lion’s Roar. It’s a Ghost Rock mining town. Aieslynn immediately gets a headache.

We arrive at nightfall.

Start to see posters for all of us as we get closer to town. Drawings for the rest. Photo for me and Marguerite. Aieslynn, Reggie, & Jeffery walk in. I teleport Corman in because the 2 of us look the most like our “wanted” posters.

Once inside we try to find the warehouse we are looking for. We take care of the 3 guys at door, then between Jeffery blowing up the door and Aieslynn dispelling some magic on it we finally get in. Inside the warehouse are men, undead, a few hucksters, a mad scientist, and a huge demon. It was chaos!!! The demon and Corman square off with each of them hurting the other. Reggie finally shoots the demon down but it gets back up all better. Then Corman knocks it down WITH ONE TOMAHAWK HIT!!

As we are taking down everyone else the back wall blows up and more men run in screaming. Most of us don’t know what is going on but Reggie and his brother start yelling and firing at the guys who just ran in. After much gunfire and fighting suddenly a large explosion rocks the warehouse.

After the dust settles, Aieslynn, Reggie, and Jeffery who some how made it out help dig Corman and I out of the rubble. Luckily we aren’t too hurt. The entire Warehouse has been destroyed.

With our ears ringing and coughing up dust Aieslynn gets all the horses and we ride out of town with a group of triad on our tails. We eventually outrun them and as we settle down for the night to mend our wounds Reggie explains what happened.

He says that was a Marshall Lawrence (who had strapped himself with dynamite and ghost rock). Reggie says he used to be some guy named Darling Peters. Him and his brother were thieves. His brother could break into places. His brother says they stole from rich people who deserved it and gave to poor. But one of their heists went wrong when there was an explosion that they had nothing to do with but killed the Marshal’s brother and cost Jeffery his leg and killed the rest of their friends. Reggie & Jeffery were thrown in jail for a few years but then Mr. Conkling recruited Reggie – and Jeffery as part of the deal. He was able to pull some strings to get them out of prison. But the cover story was they escaped from prison. Marshall Lawrence upset about their escaping kept chasing after them. Even after it was explained to him that they didn’t have anything to do with his brother’s death, he wouldn’t give up. He was stripped of all his authority but he then hooked up with Grimme to help him.

Reggie says if we have any problems with him or his brother traveling with us they’ll leave. And that he’d scout ahead with his brother so the three of us could talk about it.

But instead Corman, Aieslynn, and I start talking about good people and bad people. Corman doesn’t think Mr. Conkling is all that good. He says everyone has their own agenda. Aieslynn agrees and said Aegis was the first time she was really scared. When she realized that the government did that to people like ‘us’. It was really sad to hear how much they don’t trust a lot of people or Mr. Conkling completely.

Corman called me naïve if I didn’t think that Mr. Conkling has his own agenda. And that he’s just here for the paycheck. And that he went to take the 51st banner to the injuns because he didn’t trust the government with it.

Aieslynn said pretty much the same thing about only being her for the money. I mean I know that not everybody has money but I really thought that everyone in our group really believe in what they were doing. I can’t believe that they’d only be helping Mr. Conkling because he’s paying them!

I told them that Major scared me the most out of all the things we have dealt with. No matter how scary everything else has been. I told them about the nightmares.

Aieslynn says after the last time I told the Captain that more of his men were killed he stayed up all night at the bar drinking.

We talk for a while doing our ride back to Fort Lincoln.

March 22, 1879

Arriving back in Fort Lincoln we make our report to Colonel Wembly. He says the Captain succeeded but hasn’t heard back from Mr. Fairfax yet.

We then head to fairy circle to head back to Freedom.

Mr. Parker is there and there have been renovations on our house. Mr. Conkling is having an addition built for himself.

March 29, 1879

A telegram arrives from Fairfax says they took care of their mission and that they are heading north.

It starts raining!!

And then we hear the sounds of cannon fire?!

Aieslynn runs back into the house screaming that it’s time to go!! I was on my way out the door to see the rain and instead follow her up the stairs.

Vision: I see the Aieslynn and my backs…I have the feeling of supreme confidence, vengeance, and raw power.

I turn to blast the Major and Mr. Conkling from out of nowhere runs out of Mr. Parker’s room and tackles him. He’s wearing all sorts of stuff. I see he has the sacrificial dagger from our first mission.

Later I find out that Reggie & his brother are at the front door and they see the Captain and Marguerite riding up. Then he realizes that’s not Marguerite!!! It’s the voodoo lady and she starts playing with the house. He shoots her and the Major, except it’s just a magic glamour on the “major” and not him at all.

Corman who ran down the street to see what was going on and he see the Lady with the Red pants.

Mr. Parker runs out of his room bolting the Major.

I tell Aieslynn to grab Mr. Parker and I’ll get Mr. Conkling. I grab him and teleport him off of the Major to downstairs.

Aieslynn follows with Mr. Parker.

The house gets hit and shakes. The floor underneath us collapses and Mr. Conkling and I fall into the root cellar.

Reggie is on the stairs shooting backwards towards the door when he gets blown off the stairs into the new expansion.

The Major comes down the stairs and points a gun at Reggie and his brother. Reggie shoots him with cold iron and tells his brother to run.

The Major is annoyed. Aieslynn & Mr. Parker leave through the kitchen, Mr. Conkling and I leave through the root cellar. I get dazed and Mr. Conkling drags me to the stables as Aieslynn and Mr. Parker run there as well.

I feel someone try to get into my head. I shake it off.

Jeffery is at the stables and we can see Reggie and the Major through a hole in the house with a blue glow surrounding them. I finally shake off being dazed. Seeing Reggie in the blue field with the Major I teleport in grab Reggie and try to teleport out. Some how Reggie manages to teleport but I end up staying behind. The Major smiles, seems like he’s got a new trick. He tries to get in my head again but I’m able to keep him out. Once again with the scary smile he says “guess we’ll have to do this the hard way” and pulls out his guns. I scream at him to stay out of my head which startles him and gives me enough time to run away.

Reggie tries to shoot the Major again but the bullets don’t get any where near him.

Suddenly Aieslynn teleports next to the Major for some reason. Mr. Parker then teleports next to her and pushes her away from the Major. I later find out that the Voodoo lady got into Aieslynn’s head.

Reggie gets up near the Major who then with his clawed hands tears into Reggie & Mr. Parker and they fall over.

Aieslynn pulls out the staff from the tree of life and starts chanting. Some how Reggie disappears from near the Major’s feet and appears near Aieslynn’s.

The sound of Ornithopers fills the sky it’s the agency people. Jeffery grabs his brother’s body and start dragging him to the flying machine. Mr. Conkling runs at the Major and into the house to distract him. Corman comes running around the corner and grabs Mr. Parker and heads towards the Ornithopers. I try to run into the house to get Mr. Conkling but Corman stops me and drags me with him. We climb the rope ladder up and Mr. Conkling comes running out of the house towards us.

We all get away in the ornithoper and can hear the Major’s scream of disappointment. Corman says that he saw a lady with some dolls and that he killed her along with the lady with the red pants.

Mr. Conkling suggests we head to Virginia City as our home and town are destroyed.

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